Saturday, May 18, 2024

Connect The Dots

The former Michigan Coordinator was fired for cause on April 22, 2024.  He was not getting the job done and he was abusing people.

The Michiganian Free Press (MFP) has documented with evidence that the former Michigan Coordinator is untrustworthy. 

The former Michigan Coordinator has not publicly mentioned the MFP since it started publishing in February, 2024.

The former Michigan Coordinator has continued to publish a libelous document about the MFP publisher since January, 2024.

The former Michigan Coordinator had CIA connections.


Prior to the summer of 2023, the former Michigan Coordinator and his associates "exercised their right to travel" by getting rid of their driver licenses and license plates.  They put private plates on their private conveyances (cars, etc.) and made those plates available for purchase.  They applied for U.S. Passports as non-resident aliens and assembled "travel packs" of information to use if stopped by Law Enforcement Officers (LEO).  They encouraged others to do the same.

During the second quarter of 2023, the former Michigan Coordinator said he mailed written notice packages to all DISTRICT COURTS and all state-of-state SHERIFFS operating on michigan.  Here is a photo of some of the packages...

The former Michigan Coordinator had posted examples of those notices on the Assembly website, but he has taken those examples down.  The MFP recalls that the former Michigan Coordinator had signed those notices as Michigan Assembly Coordinator.

During July and August, 2023, the former Michigan Coordinator sent notices to all of the Defacto employees who had interacted with him over a traffic ticket.  He also filed liens against those people for hundreds of millions of dollars by using his Fee Schedule.

One of the Michigan Assembly Recording Secretaries was arrested during a public Assembly Zoom meeting on August 17, 2023.

As of August 21, 2023, the former Michigan Coordinator was living in a mobile home in a remote part of Cheboygan County.

Cheboygan is close to Drummond Island and Canada.

Click to enlarge.
At the time, there was a large overseas container on the remote property where he was living.

The former Michigan Coordinator said he was incarcerated for about eight days at the end of August, 2023.

The former Michigan Coordinator and his associates sent out "trustee notices" in the name of the Assembly on September 2, 2023.  They then encouraged others to send out personal "trustee notices," although the American Federation Fiduciary never mentioned anything about doing that.

On September 23, 2023, there was a large fire in an abandoned building in Cheboygan...

Some Michigan Assembly Recording Secretaries and assembly members have been harassed by The Defacto and have spent a lot of time and effort defending themselves using methods similar to what the former Michigan Coordinator used.

In late 2023, the former Michigan Coordinator questioned the honesty of, and cast doubt about, the Global Family Group and its administration of prepaid credit for status-corrected people.  Since being fired in April, 2024, he has openly attempted to discredit that organization and those who are promoting its efforts, including the Federation and his former boss (AVR#4826).

The former Michigan Coordinator has failed to relinquish Michigan assets to the new State Coordinator, including the Assembly's bank account, trademark, and website, the hardcopy status-correction records of all American State Nationals on Michigan, a large photocopier, and the public Michigan Assembly Telegram channel...

The former Michigan Coordinator searched out and announced publicly-available DISTRICT COURT records of two Michigan Assembly members who disagreed with him.  Those courts have a 96% conviction rate, the cases are closed, and they are more than ten years old.  The circumstances were not tried in Soil-Jurisdiction courts either.

(Source, as of May 18, 2024)


On February 12, 2024, in what appears to be a stressful email exchange, the former Michigan Coordinator used a phrase that is commonly used in Britain, but unknown to Americans...

We may never know the "why," but the "what" seems clear.


UPDATE, May 19, 2024...


...the Brits are always at the bottom of every dogpile... (AVR#4828, May 18, 2024, emphasis added)

Continuing in the same article, here is a list of what the "Brits" have done:

The Raj in India.
The rape of the Ottoman Empire.
The brutal suppression of Ireland.
The Balfour Declaration.
Israel created by an illegal British land lease. Territorial rule of the former Commonwealth.
Betrayal of The United States.
Apartheid and Segregation.
Invention of Concentration Camps.
Immoral horrific experiments on Dutch prisoners.
Mass genocide of German prisoners of war.
Illegal mercenary occupations of other countries.
Counterfeiting and commodity rigging.
Identity and credit theft of entire countries.
Institutionalized personage and barratry.
Unlawful conversion of nationality and political status.
Corporatism substituted for Colonialism.
National Governments usurped.
Securitization of living flesh -- peonage and slavery.
Deliberate, pre-planned war-for-profit.
False Flags and pre-planned Fall Guys.
Theft of natural resources and asset stripping.
Shameless propaganda campaigns.
Violent suppression of dissent.
Use of social caste systems to divide and conquer.
Privateering, racketeering, and inland piracy.
Deliberate creation of divisions by religion and race.
Elitism -- apparently based on criminal success.
Collusion against both Catholics and Protestants.
Immoral trade in Baptismal Certificate securities.
Destroying and distorting history.
Evasion of Treaties and Contracts.
Immoral trade in Birth Certificates.
Illegal drug trade, smuggling, and sex trafficking.
The Boxer Rebellion.
Deliberate betrayal of the Philippines.
Assassinations of Four U.S. Presidents.
Forced conscriptions and press-ganging.
Bank, securities, and currency rigging.
Undisclosed and unconscionable contracting.
Stock market manipulation and insider trading.
Suppression of natural resource development.
Obstruction of trade, e.g., the Nordstream Pipelines.
Interlocking trust directorates.
National-level breaches of trust.
Entrapment and blackmail.
Psychological warfare and brain-washing.
Illegal biowarfare and weather modification.
Deliberate release of nuclear waste: Iran,Iraq,Yemen.
Crimes of State: Libya, Benghazi
Forced enrollments and enlistments.
Forced accessions: Kingdom of Hawaii.
The English Civil War and Seven Year War.
The American and French Revolutions.
Napoleon and Central Banks.
The War of 1812, Crimea, American Civil War.
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, Mali.
Dozens of unreported African campaigns.
And of course, there's more....

When you finally understand that so much of what we listed here was engineered by the British Crown for mercenary profit and coercive control--- history sucks in its breath.

This tiny little island has been at the bottom of all this list and far, far more; the even smaller bastion of the Inner City of London in collusion with the City of Rome and City of Washington, DC, has ruled a hidden and criminal Empire of the City that has spanned and threatened the existence of the entire Earth.

The rest of that article is available here.


She has writting many other important articles, and they are all available at  Go to the bottom of the list for the most recent.

Her articles first show up at before they go on the list, for those who want the very latest.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Bear Wants To Be Poked

Here is a web article disparaging American State Nationals (ASN)...

It begins like this...

By Dr. Christine M. Sarteschi, LCSW

Sovereign citizens are individuals who, despite being legal citizens of their respective countries, deny the legitimacy of their governments and thus consider themselves immune to their laws. [1] The movement is loosely affiliated and not typically unified, though followers share similar beliefs and ideologies. They use terms to describe themselves such as “living man” or “woman,” “natural woman” or “man,” “free man” or “woman,” “secured party creditor,” “state national,” and the newest variation, “American State National.”

Sovereign citizens are anti-government, anti-democratic and anti-institution, and can be best described as modern-day outlaws. They pose a threat to the U.S. government and other governments worldwide. As legal citizens of a country who reject the jurisdiction of their government and its justice systems, they exhibit anarchist tendencies.
  [emphasis added]

Read the rest of it here.

According to the "Fallacy Detector" at, this text, above, contains the following logical fallacies.  The site's Artificial Intelligence (AI) produced several versions of results as it was repeatedly queried with the same text.  They are all included here for completeness...

Ad Hominem: The text uses derogatory terms such as "modern-day outlaws" and "anarchist tendencies" to attack the character of sovereign citizens rather than engaging with the substance of their beliefs.

Appeal to Consequences

Appeal to Emotion: By referring to sovereign citizens as modern-day outlaws and stating that they pose a threat to governments, the author is trying to evoke fear and a negative emotional response rather than providing logical arguments.

Appeal to Emotion: The text uses emotive language like "modern-day outlaws" and "pose a threat" to evoke fear and a negative emotional response towards sovereign citizens.

There's an appeal to fear fallacy present in the argument that sovereign citizens pose a threat to the U.S. government and other governments worldwide without providing concrete evidence to support this claim. 

Appeal to Fear: The statement that sovereign citizens pose a threat to the U.S. government and other governments worldwide is meant to evoke fear rather than provide logical reasoning.

Appeal to Fear: The author is trying to persuade the audience by using fear-inducing language to consider sovereign citizens as modern-day outlaws who pose a threat to governments.

Association Fallacy: By labeling sovereign citizens as modern-day outlaws and suggesting they pose a threat to governments worldwide, the text is committing an association fallacy by assuming that all sovereign citizens engage in criminal behavior.

Association Fallacy

Black-and-White Fallacy: Describing sovereign citizens as either legal citizens or modern-day outlaws without acknowledging any middle ground or complexity.

Black-or-White Fallacy: Presenting sovereign citizens as either completely anti-government or completely pro-government with no middle ground.

Black-and-White Fallacy: The author presents sovereign citizens as either legal citizens who follow government laws or anarchists, with no grey area in between.

Black-and-White Fallacy: The author presents sovereign citizens as either legal citizens who abide by the laws of their government or anarchists who reject government jurisdiction. This oversimplification ignores the diverse motivations and beliefs within the sovereign citizen movement.

Composition Fallacy: Assuming that all sovereign citizens are anarchists because they reject the jurisdiction of their government, without considering the diversity of beliefs within the movement.

False Attribution Fallacy: The text implies that all sovereign citizens are anti-government, anti-democratic, and anti-institution. While some sovereign citizens may exhibit these tendencies, the generalization is a false attribution fallacy as it does not account for all individuals in this group. 

Guilt by Association: Implying that all sovereign citizens are anarchists because they reject governmental jurisdiction. 

Guilt by Association: By lumping all sovereign citizens together as anti-government and anti-democratic, the author implies that they are all criminals or dangerous individuals, which may not be the case for every member of the movement.

There is guilt by association fallacy present in the text since it implies that all sovereign citizens pose a threat to governments worldwide based on the actions of a few.

Hasty Generalization: The text makes broad generalizations about sovereign citizens, painting them all as anti-government, anti-democratic, and posing a threat to the U.S. government without providing specific evidence or examples. 

Hasty Generalization: Assuming that all sovereign citizens are a threat to the government based on the actions of a few. 

Hasty Generalization: The text jumps to the conclusion that all sovereign citizens exhibit anarchist tendencies based on their rejection of government jurisdiction, without considering individual motivations or beliefs.

Loaded Language: Referring to sovereign citizens as "modern-day outlaws" carries a negative connotation and biases the interpretation of their beliefs and actions.

Strawman Fallacy

Sweeping Generalization: By stating that all sovereign citizens are anti-government, anti-democratic, and anti-institution, the text is making a sweeping generalization about a diverse group of individuals.

Sweeping Generalization: By describing all sovereign citizens as "modern-day outlaws" and stating that they pose a threat to governments worldwide, the text makes a sweeping generalization, assuming that all individuals who identify as sovereign citizens behave in the same way. 

The quote is from the website, which caters to law enforcement officers (LEO)...

Click to enlarge.

So, LEO's are being propagandized against ASN's.

LEO's are not the "bear."  They are michiganians who need to be rescued and are simply misdirected employees of the bear.

The "bear" is THE MACHINE that has been running the world, the interconnected corporations operating on autopilot and directed by elites who are in the shadows and behind storefronts.

The "bear" seeks to divide people, and it uses fear as a weapon.  It uses The Media to propagandize the General Public and create fear of ASN's...




One of the documents some michiganians publish on the Public Record is a Fee Schedule.  Many professionals, including Attorneys, have fee schedules giving notice of how much they expect to be paid for their services.  Commerce is all about contracts, and fee schedules are generally part of the negotiations.  When a LEO stops someone with their emergency lights, they are usually attempting to establish a contract.

The Federation wants everyone holding offices in American Government to publish a Fee Schedule as a layer of protection from The Defacto.  Here is a portion of the fee schedule template...

Click to enlarge.

When the former Michigan Coordinator jousted with The Defacto over a traffic ticket last summer, he utilized his Fee Schedule against the persons and living people who nominally violated his rights.  He then followed up by filing liens against them personally, for billions of dollars.  He spent a lot of time and effort doing that, and it encouraged others to do the same.

It surely made the Defacto people mad, and probably soured them against "sovereign citizens."  It is just more mess to clean up and "bridges to repair."  It was surely unproductive.

This is one of the things that caused the previous Assembly to "go sideways."  People in leadership came under attack from The Defacto and they responded with the "bazooka" the Federation gave them.  Those michiganians are still under attack.

In the opinion of the MFP, the Fee Schedule is a "nuclear option."  It is there only as a deterrent against "deep pocket" corporations and should only be a last resort.  It should not be used indiscriminately, and it is certainly not a method to "get rich."

The liens that result will potentially hurt individual people badly.  Those people are michiganians who need to be rescued, even though they are misdirected and may be doing things they should not.  In most cases, they do not even know they are doing wrong.

The MFP suggests michiganians follow the rules and stay out of trouble.  It is not hard to do.

When doing things like renewing a Driver's License, michiganians should use it as an opportunity to teach the Defacto employees... nicely.  Using a byline (i.e. "by: Richard Glen Worden©") when autographing signals intent to stay on the Land and Soil.

Michiganians should not become a target by doing things like not having state-of-state license plate on their personal conveyance (car).  That is for later, after the Assembly is up and running and the corporations submit to its instructions, if they still exist.

If a michiganian is stopped by an LEO, it would be wise for them to be courteous and non-confrontational.  They could use it as an opportunity to kindly educate, or simply just comply.  The LEO will have a weapon, and they might use it if provoked or frightened.  If there is actual persecution, it should be handled by mail from home.  Otherwise, if the michiganian actually did violate a rule, like traveling faster than the posted corporation speed limit, it would be wise for them to simply pay the fine.  They might elect to do that under some form of protest, but their primary focus should be on eliminating distractions and helping build the State and County Assemblies.

And if a michiganian ends up in jail, they should keep a list of items for the eventual application of the Fee Schedule, if they completed and published their 928 package before their arrest.  That is what the Fee Schedule is for, not contesting a traffic ticket.

Think "Gandhi."  He led India in getting rid of the same Raj Americans are dealing with now.  He used peaceful methods.

Better yet, think "Jesus."  What would he do?  Would he send notices and file liens?  No, he would give people a chance to realize what they were doing and repent.  He would educate and be kind.  The obstinate leaders were the ones he got rough with (Matthew 23).

We are in a spiritual battle, one being fought in the Jurisdiction of the Air (AVR #4628).  Words are spirit.

Jesus told his guys to stay out of court, just like Anna repeatedly does...

Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.  (Matthew 5:25, and also Luke 12:58 NIV)

So, rather than be a lone cowboy and get "mauled by the bear" as an individual, work to build the Assembly so injustices can be addressed systemically from positions of authority and strength.  That is the sole purpose of government and the Assembly.

Help to grow the numbers of ASN's so they can eventually be like "ants" and "eat the bear."


That is what the "bear" fears most.

What a Maroon

The former Michigan Coordinator is still digging...


Just like the American Federation of States (TASA) Fiduciary predicted (#4773), he continues to...

...make the rounds and seek to stir up trouble and "Federation Fear" among the other Coordinators, seeking to present himself as a victim and me as an unreasonable and unqualified person of no authority.  [emphasis added]

He has posted and emailed his defamatory, accusatory, and baseless documents wherever he has access, including the Fiduciary's inbox.  He seems to have "blind carbon copied" every single recorded American State National (ASN) on michigan with his screeds, which he was able to do because he had access to all of the State records.

Yesterday, Anna took time to send notice to all coordinators and all state assemblies about his behavior...

Once again, we have a troublemaker and loose canon in our ranks --- Paul Douglas Peterson, former Coordinator for the Michigan Assembly.


As things stand, he has stolen the money and the computer access and refused to turn over the keys to Amy Hunt, who agreed to step up and do the job he was supposed to be doing all along.  (AVR #4819)

Now he has posted his documents on the website he refuses to surrender...

Click to enlarge.  (Source)


We do not have enough information to judge "why" the former Coordinator is behaving this way, but the "what" is easy to see.  Evidence is accumulating.

If he was, in fact, sent to Michigan to "slow walk" and delay the reconstruction of the de jure government, he seems to be doing everything in his power to continue his purpose.

He is certainly behaving irrationally, like a wild animal caught in a trap.

Who, or what, is he afraid of?  Certainly not the michigan people or the Federation, at least for now.

The question is, what will he do when he "runs out of ammo?"


UPDATE, May 17, 2024...

Readers can view the content of the libelous document about the MFP publisher the former Michigan Coordinator is spreading around at this Special Report.

Anna also rebutted accusations about Global Family Group and its founder that the former Coordinator made on Mattermost, a file-sharing and social-media platform for ASN's in all 50 Union States, which is being phased out.  Here is the rebuttal article...

Article 4826, Reply to Mattermost Posts About Hunter Aki, Etc.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Personal Reflections: The Why

We generally should concentrate on the "what" questions and avoid the "why."

The "what" can be discerned by observing facts and evidence, and by applying logic.

Answering the "why" requires insight into motivations, and we usually do not know enough about that to make right judgments.

In order for us to comprehend why people do what they do, we must know their thoughts, experiences, backgrounds, histories, and passions, along with many other things we cannot possibly know.

It is arrogant for us to presume we can have that kind of knowledge base, especially if we hardly know the people we are considering, and it is grossly unfair.

Only God can judge the heart because he alone knows everything.

I feel strongly led to provide my readers with some of the reasons "why" I do what I do.  I want people to understand me and ultimately trust me so they might listen to what I say.  My hair is gray for a reason, after all.

I am a man of deep, deep faith.  That has not always been the case.  I have developed that faith by reading, studying, and continually meditating on the words in the Bible.  I do that on a day-to-day, minute-by-minute basis, and I have been doing it for nearly thirty years.

My motivation is not an academic desire to have biblical knowledge, or a conscious decision to make Bible-study my life's work, but the grace of God himself.  I choose to do it, but He enables me to make that choice.  My personal faith blog,, is one of the products of that grace, and it is deeply important to me.

My involvement with correcting my political status and joining in the effort to reconstruct the Michigan government is a direct outgrowth of my faith walk, and can be traced chronologically through the many posts on that other blog.  The very reason I was able to quickly establish this newer blog, the Michiganian Free Press (MFP), was my experience over there.  If someone really wants to know me, they should go there.

That blog is intensely and heartbreakingly personal, and for that reason it is anonymous.

As I learned about blogging from others, my most favorite examples were anonymous, where people shared their most inner thoughts and passions.  I emulated that, and am deeply emotional about it.  I dearly love my readers and my potential readers, whoever they are and wherever they may be.

Enough about that.  People can go over there, if they are interested.

The motivating "why" for my involvement in American Land-Jurisdiction government is from part of a particular Bible verse:

...justice, mercy and faithfulness...  (Matthew 23:23 NIV)


My wife died over three years ago.  She died at a precise time, and God's fingerprints were all over it.

She was a bright and intelligent woman, and more importantly, she was kind and faithful.  We were exactly right for each other.  God brought us together and kept us together, and then he took her away.  He had his reasons.

For one thing, she did not like conflict.  If she were still alive and with me today, I think she would be very uncomfortable with what I have recently had to do.  She would have been fine with correcting her political status, but she would not have liked the fight I have had to do for my reputation and for the michigan people.  That, she would not have liked.

I want justice for my wife, and for everyone else who has suffered at the hands of evil.  It is not revenge I seek; I forgive anyone and everyone who may have done wrong, but God is just and he commands that we seek justice so evil will not prevail.

Only Land and Soil Jurisdiction de jure governments are going to bring about that justice.  We must set up our courts and elect our Sheriffs in order to obtain that.  If we don't, God will take care of the problem by other means, as he has done many times before, according to the Bible.


God has led me to spend a lot of time in a particular coffee shop where I live.  It has provided me with the friends and personal relationships I have needed for dealing with the grief of losing my wife.

Many of the people I encounter in that coffee shop have "special needs."  They are often accompanied by "staff" who are paid to help those people with their day-to-day activities and socialization.  Both the special-needs people and their staff are dependent upon the existing, Defacto, State-of-State government services corporations for their livelihood and survival.

As the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) disappears from the economy, these people will be helpless.  If bank accounts suddenly become worthless or go empty, the "staff" will have no reason to do their jobs and the most vulnerable people in our society will be left to fend for themselves.  They are all true wards of the state (-of-state corporations).  They will potentially starve.

Who is going to help these people?  The Church?  As I discussed over in my other blog, the institutional church is an integral part of the overall corporate feudalism problem we are dealing with, and the people who are caught up in it will not be in a position to help the "special needs" people, unless there is knowledgeable leadership to show them the way.

I have been led to get to know everybody in the coffee shop, and more importantly, for them to get to know me.  Very few people take me seriously at the moment, let alone listen to me about the coming demise of the FRN, but if they know me and trust me in general, they may listen when they realize they need help.


My wife's departure changed my perspective about death and dying.  I used to subconsciously worry I was one day closer to my eventual demise on this earth as I would get ready for bed each night.  Now, I end each day with the certain knowledge that I am one day closer to following her to wherever she went.  She was my best friend, and I want to see what she saw.  My only real concern is I still have work to do here before that can happen.

This makes me bolder when I contemplate making decisions and doing things that put me at odds with evil people.  I know who is watching out for me, and that "those who are with me are more than those who are with them."

I am not afraid of the people we are up against, at least I have no excuse for being afraid of them.  The Bible tells me I should not be, and God has given me plenty of evidence to remind me of that.


These are some of the reasons why I do what I do.  Between what is here in the MFP, and what is in my personal faith blog, there should be enough information for people to decide whether or not to believe me and heed my counsel.

I am either right, lying, or a lunatic.  Those are the only options, although it is possible I might occasionally be in error.  I am open to correction, if the evidence is there.

Hopefully, people can see I strive to be truthful in what I say and do.

Am I a lunatic?  Do I have a demon?  Well, not anymore. πŸ˜‰

Some people ignore me or write me off and conclude I am "crazy" or am a "con-SPEAR-a-SEE theorist," but I think that is just from their indoctrination.  Many people still continue to consume propaganda, and it inhibits their judgment.  Remember, Star Trek is Sea Jurisdiction indoctrination, and it demonizes my particular personality type.

Most importantly, some of the things I talk about are "spiritually discerned," and people must "have ears to hear and eyes to see" in order to comprehend.  I have learned to be patient and let God provide those abilities, in his timing.

I believe this is "why" I do what I do.


Monday, May 13, 2024


Click to enlarge.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The U.S. Military is a big part of the problem.

The American Federation of States Fiduciary recently wrote articles about this.  Readers should be prepared for cognitive dissonance if this kind of information is new to them...

Article 4803, International Public Notice: Message to Pascal Najadi, May 10, 2024.

Article 4804, International Public Notice: Check the History, May 11, 2024.

The American Founders wanted a strong militia and abhorred standing armies...

Article 4807, Though Still a Bit Confused....Doing a Fine Job!, May 12, 2024.

It is time for the U.S. Military to get back in its box.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Cleanup on Aisle Michigan

The New Michigan State Coordinator likened michigan to a large house.  Here is a paraphrase, with some embellishments...

The living room is a mess.  There are people waiting in the hallway to get in, and there are various people up in the bedrooms, down in the basement, in the garage, on the porch, and out on the lawn who have no idea what's been happening.

First, we need to get the living room cleaned up.  Then we can let those ASN's who are in the hallway into the living room and call out to everybody else to let them know they are welcome.

The previous Assembly was dissolved.  It no longer exists.  It had assets that need to be recovered, replicated, or rethought.  That is happening now.

Soon, all ASN's will be invited to join their Assembly, if that is their choice.

The general public will also soon be able to start seeing the Assembly and its proceedings.

Michigan has a lot of catching up to do.

The New Coordinator, Amy Hunt, has the full support of The United States of America, The Federation of States.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Well, That Explains It

The Michiganian Free Press (MFP) became aware of AVR Article #4792, "A Life Review," yesterday after publishing the Aftermath editorial.

The American Federation Fiduciary said...

Paul Peterson, the former [Michigan] Coordinator, came to us from the CIA, which is not a good recommendation overall, as the Agency is well-known for employing brilliant con men whose life-work runs counter to any aspirations of mine.

Still, even those returning home from the Agencies deserve their rights and property as Americans; it is not my part to know or judge the soul when it is ready and willing to turn the corner and go in a new direction. Many of our senior volunteers have come from sordid backgrounds. So I accepted Paul as a Coordinator, knowing his past, but believing in his future.

This is where our virtues are sometimes used against us and sometimes come to naught, wasted on stony ground. A purely intellectual evaluation would have instantly disqualified Paul from acting as a Coordinator, but a more seasoned wisdom makes its errors in the other direction, more in favor of the heart.

So I welcomed him and trusted him to make good on his potential as a Coordinator and hoped he'd be able to change his spots.

Still, the habits and methods and assumptions of a lifetime are hard to overcome, and pressed with the challenges of a wholly new situation, a whole new context from which to view "the government" -- well, better men have failed that test.

You can blame me, if you wish, because I knew that and welcomed Paul home anyway. I knew the danger and waived it, in order to give him a chance.

Readers can view the full article here.

The MFP forgives the Fiduciary for the results of her decision to welcome the former coordinator home and give him a chance to do good.  The MFP forgives him, too, and anyone else who has made misjudgments in this situation.

Everyone has learned a lot.

It is now time to do the work that must be done for the michigan people.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Editorial: Aftermath

The new Michigan Assembly (Version 4.0) is forming.  Each member must join; the former assembly no longer exists.  The process is simple, but serious.

Unfortunately, some of the assets that belong to the michigan people have yet to be peacefully handed over to the new Coordinator...

Click to enlarge.

As Anna predicted (#4773), the former coordinator continues to...

...make the rounds and seek to stir up trouble and "Federation Fear" among the other Coordinators, seeking to present himself as a victim and me as an unreasonable and unqualified person of no authority.  [emphasis added]

Michiganians should simply ignore him and join the new Assembly.  He has fully demonstrated his character, as reported here at the Michiganian Free Press (MFP).  His difficulty with speaking the truth is well documented in the Binoculars article.

Here is one more scrap of information the michigan people should know about.  This screenshot was shared with the MFP...

Click to enlarge.


Readers can decide for themselves what it means.

UPDATE, May 12, 2024...

To clarify, the MFP made the annotations and redactions in the second and third images, above.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Paving Material


At one point in Dutch history, there was wild speculation about the value of tulip bulbs.  Wikipedia describes the situation in an article called "Tulip Mania."

Tulip flowers are pretty, but other than their aesthetic value, they really do not have much use.  They cannot be eaten and have no industrial applications.  They are easy to grow and multiply, and only last for a few days each year.  They are pretty much worthless.

People can be irrational and base their decisions on feelings, rather than rational thinking.  For a brief period in the 1600's, some people were irrational about tulips.

Despite what financial prognosticators and commodity salespeople may say, the Law of Supply and Demand is true.  If something is useful and rare, it will be valued and people will look for ways to acquire more of it.  If it is not of much use and is common, it will be treated like dirt.


The previous Michiganian Free Press (MFP) article speculated about where a stash of gold might be located, and how it might be influencing the efforts to reconstruct the Michigan Land and Soil Jurisdiction de jure governments.  If there is such a stash, it has been there for decades.

Gold has its uses, but its primary value is aesthetic, like tulips.

The public perception is gold is rare, but is it?  If there is a mountain of gold many times larger than the University of Michigan "Big House," how rare is it really?  And if it is buried in Northern Michigan, how is it of any practical use to anyone?

People bury things that are worthless, typically in "land fills."

A recent AVR article (#4746, April 8, 2024) pointed to a video about modern alchemy, which explains that the technology and practice actually does exist.

Turning common substances into gold has been consistently discredited as impossible, but perhaps the promotion of that belief has served to keep gold "rare," and thereby prop up its perceived value.  Even the Book of Revelation sells the idea that gold is rare on earth, but is "paving material" in heaven (Rev 21:21).

This Wikipedia article strongly conveys that narrative overall, but has this caveat at the end...

Click to enlarge.

What if men have been able to manufacture gold in practical ways since ancient times?  What if the Egyptians and other civilizations created vast quantities of the heavy element and were eventually "swimming in it?"

The Law of Supply and Demand would come into play.  In order to maintain their love affair with the silky, solid, shiny, beautiful material, and justify their own monopoly on its ownership, they would need to reduce the supply and keep the masses of people ignorant.

They would need to bury it.

And what a disaster it would be to their perceived "wealth," economies, and personal statuses as "very important people" if the common people found out "the Emperor has no clothes," and the impressive golden chariots and shields are too heavy to be practical and are as common as dirt.

Engineers need to see data and understand the theory behind new ideas.  They especially need to see things actually demonstrated, but they can also be influenced by circumstances and related evidence.

If the reconstruction of the de jure Michigan government has been hindered and delayed because of some buried paving material in the Upper Peninsula, that is truly sad.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Speculation: Treasure Map

The American Federation Fiduciary recently stopped the rancor and division in The Michigan Assembly (TMA) by appointing a new State Coordinator.

She then shared some information with the Assembly that will probably unite it.

She observed the Michigan Assembly is "the most targeted Assembly in America" (#4777), and provided some insight into why she thinks that is the case...

Friends, I think you have a massive gold hoard scuttled away by Navy Officers, hidden somewhere in Michigan. I would be willing to bet money on it. And they are still guarding it, for their British Territorial U.S. Government and King Charlie.


They don't want us to be in Session in Michigan when the music stops, because our State Assembly there would claim it back for America, not Britain. They couldn't claim it was abandoned property.


If I am right, there's around 8 Billion with a "B" Metric tons of gold in Michigan and they can't get it out of there without some kind of narrative and they can't claim it without some excuse. I think they planned to quietly place a claim on abandonment on it, using their song and dance that we are "missing" and our government is "in interregnum" but they can't do that with a State Assembly in Session.

So the next best thing they could do was exactly what they have tried to do three times in a row --- establish a tight knit and highly controlling group of former military and agency operatives in control of The Michigan Assembly, so they could just play dumb, make sure that you never raise your hands, and declare a recess or an emergency to shut the Assembly down --- then just cart everything back down the St. Lawrence, probably to Canada, the British Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico, then "home" to London.


So, for the record, if I am right, tomography and Lidar has already revealed the existence of a huge gold stash in Michigan, probably close to the Canadian Border... [emphasis added]

She probably knows where it is, but is not saying right now.  The crooks certainly do.

So, how much is "8 Billion with a 'B' metric tons of gold?"

That's 8,000,000,000 tonnes.

8,000,000,000,000 kilograms.

17,636,800,000,000 pounds.

The specific gravity of gold is 19.32.  Water is 1.00.

That calculates to 414,078,675 cubic meters or 541,594,459 cubic yards.  (Somebody please check my arithmetic.)

That is a cube with sides of 2445 feet.

Compared to Michigan Stadium.  (Click to enlarge.)

That is a lot of gold.  Seems more like paving material.

So, "Spock" starts wondering where this massive hoard might be hidden. πŸ€”

First thought was the Detroit salt mine, but that is a pit mine with an elevator, which would not be designed to handle heavy gold.  There are too many people around, as well.  (Yes, I sometimes use British colloquialisms because I lived there for a total of 92 months as an engineer.)

Second thought was it might be covered up by the stamp sands from the old Keweenaw copper mines, but there is no dock for big ships available.

Then, what did Anna say?  Near Canada.

Thinking logically, it would...

  • Simply be buried.
  • Near a dock.
  • On a military base, or former military base.
  • Near the Canadian Border.
  • Remote, to avoid prying eyes, especially in the days when it would have been buried.
  • Provide for controlled access.

There are not too many options.

 Drummond Island

It is near the Canadian Border.

It is an island, so access can be limited and potentially controlled.

It is still remote, even in 2024.

What about a military base?

Fort Drummond (Click to enlarge.)

Yup.  The British built Fort Drummond and occupied it from 1815 until 1828.

Click to enlarge.  (Source)

Today, there is a dolomite mine in that location.  It has a dock that can accommodate large ships, and there is a lot of heavy mining equipment in use.  A second open pit mine is operational to the east, keeping the business active.

Click to Enlarge.

The quarry's dock is an actual port...

The port is located on the St. Mary's River shipping lane to the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, so there is a lot of vessel traffic nearby.  The presence of large ships would not be particularly noticeable.

The international border with Canada goes around the east side of Drummond Island.

It could easily be, or become, a part of Canada.  Boundaries are determined by people.  They make claims and ultimately make those claims a reality by force of arms.  That is what land warfare has always been about.  Land.

The American Federation Fiduciary included an article called "Our Peacekeepers" in the context of her recent discussions about Michigan.  In it, she included this...

If there is ever an armed incursion, such as an invasion through Canada, the PKTF will be able to use their boots on the ground, their ham radio network, and other affiliated resources to coordinate military, militia, and peacekeeper response operations.  (#4779)

Whether or not the "treasure" is actually on Drummond Island, it seems the Federation knows all about the situation, and now The Michigan Assembly is aware of it, too.

Time to build some Pillars, gang.

Thanks, Anna!  πŸ˜‰

Thursday, April 25, 2024

"All the Banks are Broke's called Fractional Reserve Banking."

Anna Von Reitz explained her views about it here:  AVR#4762.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Do Your Homework

Many, many people continue to fly the "Stars and Stripes."

They do this in ignorance.

That flag is the Title IV flag loaned to the British so they could do business for The United States of America, Unincorporated, which is the American Federation of States.

That flag is the "war flag."  Flying a war flag indicates those flying it are at war.

There is no war.  America has not been at war since 1814.

All of the various "wars" since then were mercenary conflicts conducted by government services subcontractors for profit.

That's right, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Gulf War II -- all mercenary conflicts for profit, without authorization.

Fly the "peace flag."  Flying a peace flag indicates those flying it are at peace, and they are owed the Law of Peace.

This is the American civil, "peace flag"...


Here is proof that flag existed before the American Civil War (i.e. mercenary conflict)...

Click to enlarge.

This book was originally published in 1850, and this copy is a modern reprint of that edition.

Page 10 says...

From the loftiest point of its roof, during precisely three and a half hours of each forenoon, floats or droops, in breeze or calm, the banner of the republic, but with the thirteen stripes turned vertically, instead of horizontally, and thus indicating that a civil, and not a military, post of Uncle Sam's government is here established.  [emphasis added].

Americans were not taught these things in school.

So, where do people think they are?  Do they know, or is it time for them to do some homework?

Click to enlarge.

Yes, there is a big difference, and it is important for safety and freedom.

People are not as free as they have been led to believe.

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